Whether you run an existing community magazine or are looking to start one in the next 12 months the future is looking good for you. We are seeing a definite trend towards advertising favouring the humble community magazine over the local newspaper you should be proud that your have already managed to alienate the Yellow Pages out of your local areas which was your major printed competition.
The future of community magazines and their establishment as we see it is simple. You will all become the ‘go to’ place for local services, news and events. This will attract a loyal advertiser base so do not underestimate the power of good content over frequency of production as your readers will make you a success.
Online Community Magazines
Do not underestimate the power of your online audience regardless of your community magazine locality your content can be read by everyone online which will give your advertisers more exposure and your ability to command a large price for the space holds more weight with more readers to respond to their advertisements. There are lots of online eBook tools some free some paid for all have their merits but make sure you are able to share your online community magazine on social networks and that all devices are able to read your magazine content, you can’t be missing out on ipad readers or android readers for example.
The quality of your magazine is down to you of course but remember you will be seen as pillar of the community and the goto place for local information, local fixtures and news view points.
The printing processes are always improving but no matter your community make sure your printed version of your magazine appeals in design as well as paper stocks and finishes. Your magazine audience will be drawn to strong headlines and imagery so don’t over complicate your community magazines brand.
Now don’t be shy, if you want to discuss your magazine design, print or distribution then pick up the phone or fill in one of our enquiry forms we would love to here from you,