Over the last couple of months MagazinePrintquote.co.uk has printed thousands of magazines as we are part of a larger printers. The quality and service for production are well established, but we have found that the printed media is becoming more interactive with social media as it is now so prevalent and in real time.
Unless you are printing a daily or weekly publication, the ability to keep up to date with the latest news is not always possible so what do you do? You maybe web savvy and update your website with information, but do you track how many people actually look at the information and how they come to you. Your magazine should be advancing with the internet to be an information portal, making you and your publication the knowledge base to turn to on your chosen subject. Take us for example, we print magazines on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis and the reason you are reading this is because the internet feels this is the information you are after. It doesn’t matter if we have the best machinery and process to produce your printing (which we do of course!), the search you typed in will bring this article to the top of the listings to give you the most ‘relevant information’ available to you.
So how have we done this? By making ourselves the knowledge on our subject we write constantly about magazine printing processes and promotion, how to promote your magazine and try to keep ahead of the curve with the technology. Social media in our printing world is a bit of a Curate’s egg for us as a business, as you well know by now we print things for businesses. This of course has its place but by using social media the general populous are now able to source the information about their chosen subject searches quicker than ever before and even now with Facebook and Twitter in real time! We have had to embrace the technology not only as a medium to win business and introduce ourselves to new customers but to help promote your publications. We now have proven results that show improved publication exposure through new online content via Ebooks and biographies via Facebook & Twitter, which we think are the way forward for maximum exposure. That is not to say it won’t change as trends evolve.
New goalposts are being set everyday, but we are seeing hundreds of views on certain publications on a daily basis, and if this is exposed correctly by us and the publisher this can only keep your advertisers happy with readers becoming more exposed to your brand and content. I say the two technologies, printing and social media, will never cancel each other out as they compliment each other, so try not to sacrifice one for the other!