Moving files around for your magazine design can be tricky especially when you have multiple images and text files that need to stay in one structure. There are multiple ways to deliver these to us. Here are 3 of our favourite to help with your traceability and transparency.
1. FTP Space. We have our own FTP server for you to store your files on this can be setup at a moments notice for you to start getting some structure together.
2. We Transfer. The easiest way to transfer files up to 10GB for free and in one lump to another person. The recipients receive an email to say they have file to download and once they are downloaded you will get confirmation about them receiving the files. Seamless.
3. Dropbox. This amazing little wonder will enable you to have some space online with your files all setup in the right structure. You can share folders with us and we can see the latest versions and see what changes you make to files as you change them so we can all work with the up to date data.
4. MPQ’s Filespace. We have our own collaborative tools to help you manage your artwork, images, text files and page plans. Talk to us about having access to your own tools so we can all work together to make your magazine the best designed edition yet. Oh and it’s free! Can’t say fairer than that.
There are lots of file sharing and upload services out there all of which we can work with for your file delivery to us. So talk to us about how you work and we can work our magic together.
Want some further help getting your files delivered to us safe and sound? Why not give us a call we would love to hear from you.